The Alabama Spay/Neuter Clinic always needs volunteers to help with laundry. Our washer and dryer are in operation all day, every day and that means plenty of towels to be folded and put away.
We have flyers available that can be posted at laundromats, convenience stores, libraries, grocery stores, etc. Download a flyer here, print it out and post it!
Donations from bake sales, yard sales and other fundraising events go into our fund to help low-income people afford to have their animals fixed.
Spread the word to your family, friends and neighbors about the importance of spaying and neutering pets. Some people just don’t understand how many animals die as a result of just one unwanted litter.
Let your local and state government know that killing healthy animals with your tax dollars is no longer acceptable. Urge them to allocate funds to help people afford surgeries.
We are always in need of the following items to support the ongoing operations of the clinic:
Paper towels
Front-loader laundry detergent
Laundry volunteers
Distilled water
Cat litter
Metal pet bowls – any size
Washable towels and blankets
Garbage bags (13-gallon, 55-gallon)
Plastic pet carriers – any size
Heating pads
Canned cat food
Dry cat food
Dry dog food
Ziploc bags (Sandwich, Quart and Gallon sizes)
Lint rollers
Copy paper
Colored copy paper – any color
Postage stamps
Masking tape
Scotch tape
Hand sanitizer
Gift cards for gas, Wal-mart, office supply stores