You must have an appointment (unless you are bringing a feral cat. See below for Feral Cat Days.) Call (205) 956-0012 to schedule your pet for surgery.
Prepayment is required at the time you make a reservation for your pet(s.) Click to view our Prepayment Policy.
Pets must have food withdrawn by midnight the night before surgery to reduce the risk of vomiting and aspiration pneumonia during anesthesia. Pets must be kept indoors or confined. Puppies or kittens 4 months or younger may have a small snack (1 tablespoon) until 6:00 AM the morning of surgery.
Alabama State Law requires that your pet must be current on its rabies vaccination. While it is recommended that other vaccines are current, they are not required. If your pet is not current on its rabies vaccination, we are required to vaccinate your pet. The charge for rabies vaccination is $20. If your pet is current, please bring proof in the form of a certificate.
Your pet may have a bath prior to surgery if desired, but baths are strictly prohibited for 7-10 days after surgery.